Cygnet House Dental, Grace Swan Close, Hundleby, Lincs, PE23 5LT

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Wrinkle Correction

Banish the signs of ageing and enjoy a relaxed and refreshed appearance with wrinkle relaxing treatment at Cygnet House Dental Studio.

We offer wrinkle relaxing treatments containing Botulinum Toxin, a popular and fully approved substance to correct the signs of ageing such as wrinkles, creases and lines. The injections work by temporarily stopping the facial nerves from reacting to stimuli, creating a smoother and more relaxed appearance.

Over time, you may have noticed subtle changes in your skin such as lines in the forehead, crow’s feet by the eyes or lines between the lips and nose. We can help to reduce the appearance of these lines in a 30-minute appointment – producing results that last between four to six months.

We are committed to creating natural, subtle results and will offer you a realistic and sensible evaluation of how these injections can help when you attend for your first consultation.

You may experience mild redness after the injections, but this will settle quickly and you’ll be ready to get back to your day’s plans as soon as your appointment with us ends.

It’s never too late to enjoy the benefits of younger, fresher skin. Please click here or call 0845 050 9007 to book with us.

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